mike.panchenko: Oh nothing just chocolate with a view h/t @sfbrian
moonpolysoft: Spaceman
Jesse Noller: IMG_2935
DigiSage: Harry Potter discussion lunch
jacobian: Meta^2
rcrowley: MySQL
rcrowley: IMG_0077.JPG
Sebastian Hillig: Startup Alarm at Github Meetup
Sebastian Hillig: Chris Wanstrath explaining at Github Meetup
Sebastian Hillig: Eric Florenzano
eston: Gettin' old school with QBASIC
Sebastian Hillig: Controversy arises: Jesse Noller seduces python?
Ted Leung: PyCon 2009
ubernostrum: Peace in our time
Bryan Veloso: Bitches.
bjepson: tonight we divide by zero
progrium: DevHouse vs other Silicon Valley parties
elena_london_s: All things italian Flyer
elena_london_s: Halloween Flyer
elena_london_s: Upside Down flyer
elena_london_s: Poster for rapper "Kroser" from the same series
elena_london_s: 2009 New Year Wallpaper Set