eston: Rt
eston: A new method, a new setup
eston: 1281313074171.jpg
eston: Photoshop Workflow
eston: Mint condition. Made in 1970.
eston: After 14.5 hours of work…
eston: Colour washed
eston: Pencil erased
eston: Pencil frame filled in
eston: Inked in
eston: A very simple pencil frame
eston: 1278972893831.jpg
eston: Fast Company Cameo
eston: Tumblr goes black?
eston: Making a Rokit "musical"
eston: Work as usual
eston: Playing with vignette
eston: Townhouse office setup
eston: The end of the Google Chrome extensions jigsaw puzzle is lame.
eston: So who has the plate "hadoop"?
eston: 2010-03-21 20.49.19.jpg
eston: Phoenix
eston: Juárez
eston: What up, gym class heroes?
eston: I always look like an idiot in my sxsw pass photos
eston: Packed for Austin
eston: You say tomato, I say black.
eston: Don't move my JS.
eston: Dressing Area
eston: Jolie at work