Sylvain Prince: Bruant hudsonien (American Tree Sparrow)
philipslotte1: Pasochoa
karinrogmann: auf und davon! - Eisvogel (w) Nature on fire
micke.vmix: Weathered
Lisbeth Gasser: Feuilles gelées
gerardcarron: Paisible Matin D'Hiver * On Explore *(Savoie 01/2025)
der_peste (on/off): Little Canada
Garagnas Photos: Mute swan - Cygne tuberculé (Cygnus olor)_9231s_Thierry Chevrier⭐
Anna_Soffia: GT8A3665
normanwest4tography: Shelduck - Tadorna tadorna
Captain Nikon: No Ordinary Morning
images@twiston: And there was light Telling the story
lime1957: Greater Scaup
Fausto Deseri: Cinciarella
brendakirkley: A Different Focus
brendakirkley: It's As Simple As That
Landscape Photography Magazine: Landmannalaugar, Iceland by Mirko Vecernik
K&E-mount: 曼珠沙華
Sultan Sultani: Golden-crowned Sparrow Broke A branch of Tree
Bob Eade: Chequered Skipper (Carterocephalus palaemon).
Sen@d: the sun always shines on the other side
Todd Michael Photo: Clouds Break
olexvarn: Rorbuer
J. E. Foster: Touch It