jayneboo: Winter Wonderland
Howard L.: Time Forgets...
www.neilburnell.com: THE BEGINNING
jm canfran: Rojo llamativo
Fernando Two Two: Fuente de Rossio, detalle
R R G 2: Misty MT morning
T. Knight: Smooth Beggartick (Bidens Laevis): Vintage Lens
Daniel.Pettersson: Lanius phoenicuroides | Red-tailed Shrike | turkestantörnskata
Greg from Maine: Acadia Sunrise in October image m1a7822
Greg from Maine: Acadia National Park Gorham Mountain image m1a7447
steve rubin-writer: Black & White on Color III
Yan_Zhang: Lake of clouds
Alselon: Jour d’Automne
bayernphoto: Gosaukamm
Silanov: Encircled by noise
barnaul582: CR6_4582
Kei Edam: Gamazumi III
michaelgordon1968: Niedzica Castle
malcbawn.photos: Autumn cluster
Michael-Wilson: Flagstaff-8503774
Larry’s Photo: _NZ96190-ORI-NEW2
johnsastrophotos: Monument Valley 10
wdfotografie: Am Schwarzsee im Laret
J.Hunter Photography: Western Sandpiper
Magnolfi Lorenzo "MAGNO": Eurasian Teal - Alzavola
luislabeaga: Bodegón clásico. Huevos blancos
Arnim Schulz: Barcelona - Consell de Cent 288 a
Hughie O'Connor: Amongst Giants