heimin: R0019586
heimin: R0019533
Alfie | Japanorama: 'I wanna be inside....': Tokyo in the snow, Shibuya
Alfie | Japanorama: Shibuya in the snow; lady waiting to cross
carrietj2009: CHINA SNOW TOWN
Allego: Snow Town, Ji Lin (吉林雪乡)
sirwj: Little town in snow at north of China 2009
sirwj: Little town in snow at north of China 2009
Allego: Snow Town, Ji Lin (吉林雪乡)
Allego: Snow Town, Ji Lin, China (吉林雪乡)
TheNotQuiteFool: Ketish Town Snow 06
aberystwyth-online: Aberystwyth Town Under Snow Ceredigion Wales UK
jangelly ... Jan Gelinder: snow in old town, stockholm
hippolyte photography: Snow in the city :: Clermont Ferrand
.3B: Belfast City Hall in the snow
ANTONIO PAOLICELLI: Matera I Sassi: The old city covered with snow
rysolch: 5 Chicago Snow Plows by City Hall
B℮n: Helping birds survive the Dutch Winter
*Louise**: Hoping for snow this year...
Alfie | Japanorama: Shibuya in the snow: goodnight and thanks for the flakes
Alfie | Japanorama: Shibuya in the snow: these people think I'm nuts, and they might very well be right :-)
Che-burashka: Snow evening
ACPinho: Let it snow I
B℮n: Early December snow at the Bloemgracht
David Van Chu: School Bus Approaching ("Kids forced to go to school in snow storm.")