PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: Pronghorn Buck Running in Front of the Tetons - 6564b+
knittergalkate: #waterlogue watercolour on a waterlogged morning 🍂☔️🍁
hvhe1: The source
hvhe1: Into the night
hvhe1: A visitor at Umgodi
kelp!: my pottery class started up again this week. a bunch of things were fired during the break, including these bubble glazed pots. the one on the left has a huge crack in the bottom so it will be for succulents. the right one looks like someone sneezed glaze
ljholloway photography: Lone Wolf Cub
Alan MacKenzie: Starling Murmuration and Sunset
joy.jordan: uncovered
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: I am a lioness, and you're going to hear me roar! 3043b+
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: Pronghorn Buck with thistle background - 8977b+
shining egg: like an ocean.
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: Burrowing Owl - 8634b+
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: Great Gray Owl in the forest - 2503b+
shining egg: notecards! there they are! at Norma Glamps if you're in Provincetown!
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: Short-eared Owl - 5850b+ Winding Road
shining egg: good Monday morning from my own front yard!
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: Cute Pronghorn Fawn - 0656b+
Ken Mattison: White Egret
Carolyn Lehrke: Peregrine Falcon
glasseyes view: right between my eyes
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: Dirty Badger - 8500b
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: Resting Red Fox - 8385b+
Rodney Campbell: Etherial Light
Images by John 'K': Ocean Safari
shining egg: nature is amazing.
shining egg: look what I discovered while cleaning the studio this summer Sunday!
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: The Rattler - 0328b+
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker: Braided pillow done! More old denim used up ✔️