Carolyn Lehrke: Tiger Swallowtail on Butterfly Bush
Carolyn Lehrke: Pollinator at Work
Carolyn Lehrke: Monarch on Ironweed
Carolyn Lehrke: DELIAH WITH BEE
Carolyn Lehrke: Fight of the BUMBLE BEE
Carolyn Lehrke: Bees on Wingstem
Carolyn Lehrke: Bee Tongue
Carolyn Lehrke: Bee on Wingstem
Carolyn Lehrke: Skipper on Wingstem
Carolyn Lehrke: Monarch on Ironweed
Carolyn Lehrke: Monarch of the Meadow
Carolyn Lehrke: Reworked-Big (Great) Bend Tunnel-CSX
Carolyn Lehrke: Haflingers wearing their winter coats. (March 2009)
Carolyn Lehrke: Droop Mountain Scenic View
Carolyn Lehrke: The Survivor
Carolyn Lehrke: Belladonna Lilies and Photobombers!
Carolyn Lehrke: Beauty in the Midst
Carolyn Lehrke: Sweetpea and Butterflies
Carolyn Lehrke: CHECKERSPOT
Carolyn Lehrke: Silverspotted Skippers
Carolyn Lehrke: Quick and Speedy
Carolyn Lehrke: Mockingbird in. the Mimosa Tree
Carolyn Lehrke: Goldffinch on thistle
Carolyn Lehrke: Cabbage Dance
Carolyn Lehrke: Happy Bee
Carolyn Lehrke: Dion Skipper
Carolyn Lehrke: Pipevine Swallowtail on Mimosa
Carolyn Lehrke: Big Mimosa Tree, Small Swallowtail.
Carolyn Lehrke: DITCH LILY_3063