seriykotik1970: Notre Dame
lizardking_cda: "Ceux qui cherchent des causes métaphysiques au rire ne sont pas gais."
lizardking_cda: "On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow. And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief. And I kissed her goodbye, said, "All beauty must die"…"
lizardking_cda: Les matins calmes
lizardking_cda: Punch-drunk love I
lizardking_cda: Je cherche ce que je ne puis trouver
Vincent Gau: Stormy Lyon
romvi: eiffel tower
Tati@: Fede antica
tolis*: Rusting Memories
kjten22: Oregon_JK_SC120scan
mudpig: hudson vista
~ geisha ~: foxielicious' prize...
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Riva Del Garda, Lake Garda Italy
mifune*: Shinjuku West 18:28
Maì: Rendezvous
pongo 2007: Shades of grey
pongo 2007: Over the hills and far away
pongo 2007: The bird
Uggla: IMG_7085