Ed Walker: #stpancraspiano
Maïclo: Rose pour Richard (Time flies...but you are in my thoughts )
astroGatta: Monday's mood
geirt.com: BlueSurreal
TIBBA69: the empty bottle
Francesca Albanese: Monte Tubenna
TIBBA69: ring my bell
MIgracionTOtal: The Big Meow
GIORGINOFOREVER**: "What has he seen "
astroGatta: il week end è nell'aria...(e noi ci stiamo preparando)
Andrew Boxall: Dream house
pallab seth: The Making of Durga...... Durga Puja in Kolkata 2014
lubats: Torre Sant'Andrea
claudedelrieu21: attérrissage
GIORGINOFOREVER**: My Beautiful Switch
gzammarchi: P1000102x
TIBBA69: up against the wall
TIBBA69: ground luminosity
deamix78: Bluvertigo @ Eutropia 09/09/14
deamix78: Bluvertigo @ Eutropia 09/09/14
dorinser: raven
TIBBA69: headless ritual
nevrotica_mente: Il paradiso all'improvviso
nevrotica_mente: Terme di Kalithea