fdecomite: A stamp of 2euros showing Galileo Galileo very happy discovering the four satellites of Jupiter (Io, Callisto, Eurpe and Ganymede) through his handmade telescope ,black and white engraving by Gustave Doré
Byriah Loper: “Bauhaus” Cubic Puzzle (Byriah Loper)
mganans: Stacked triangles twist study
- drsteve -: Solstice Modular Origami
modular.dodecahedron: Bookmark with Windmill star
modular.dodecahedron: Tessellated Star snowflake
Byriah Loper: Eight Interlocking Tetrahedra #4 (Byriah Loper)
De Rode Olifant: Origami Di-excavated octahedron (Dirk Eisner)
De Rode Olifant: Origami Di-excavated octahedron (Dirk Eisner)
modular.dodecahedron: Star Snowflake
esli24: German Origami Convention 2016 Berlin-Erkner
esli24: German Origami Convention 2016 Berlin-Erkner
esli24: German Origami Convention 2016 Berlin-Erkner
mganans: Hanoi Tower tessellation
mganans: Stacked square twist tessellation
mganans: Stacked triangle twist tessellation
Owrigami: Greek Cross from 4 House Modules - Front
modular.dodecahedron: Stacked Hexagonal Twists Tessellation
modular.dodecahedron: Stacked Square Twist Tessellation
modular.dodecahedron: Stacked Square Twist Tessellation - Variant
modular.dodecahedron: Stacked Square Twist Tessellation - Variant
modular.dodecahedron: Stacked Square Twist Tessellation - Variant
Byriah Loper: Five Interlocking Truncated Tetrahedra #2 (Byriah Loper)
Natan Origami: 26th International Convention of Origami Deutschland
Mathnetism: Tetrahedra Composition
Mathnetism: Tetrahedra Composition
Mélisande*: Sechseck-quilt by Dirk Eisner
Praise Pratajev: wilhelmine with a tetrahedron
Hans-Werner Guth: Transformation - From Cube to four point Star
Hans-Werner Guth: for all people curious about the other sides ...