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Another Cute Greenie
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Playing with puppies
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Staring down a whale shark
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Frigate in flight
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Frigate at rest
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Hanging around, watching the show fly by
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Green on Green
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Mind your strobes
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Eagles in the mist
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Munch, Munch, Munch
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Spotted Eagle Ray
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Biggest Bony Fish in the Ocean
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Liquid metal fish terminator
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Star of the Show
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Biggest Fish in the Ocean
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Steve in Galapagos
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Steve with Humpback
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Trumpetfish hiding in plain sight
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Another Busy Blenny
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Flamingo tongue
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Caribbean Reef Shark
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Our Mascot
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Tripod Hawksbill Turtle
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Caribbean Sailfin Blenny
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A day at the spa
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Spotty Sand Snuffling
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Juvenile Drum and his not so secret admirer
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Tube worm in Little Cayman.
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Spotted Drumfish
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A star of the silver screen