PriscillaBurcher: Andean motmot -EXPLORED 12/04/2021-
PriscillaBurcher: Urbanus viterboana
LucaCandido: CUCKOO SONG
The Owl Man: Food on The Wing (Purple Martin)
arvind agrawal: IMG_3631-4
Pig Pang: Gouffre Bretagne in Explore Nr. 8 😎
MarjieM777: Barred Owl from the other day
al-ien: here comes the sun... flower
Turk Images: Snow Bunting
Turk Images: Snow Bunting
Sergio Bitran M: Cabrito del ciruelo. Aegorhinus nodipennis.
Sergio Bitran M: Mosca hormiguera violácea. Microdon violáceas. Syrphidae mirmecófilo.
Sergio Bitran M: Chatham Albatross. Albatros de Chatham Thalassarche eremita.
Sergio Bitran M: Chatham Albatross. Albatros de Chatham Thalassarche eremita.
Sergio Bitran M: Lesser Horned Owl. Tucúquere. Búho Magallánico. Bubo magellanicus.
Sergio Bitran M: Lyre-tailed Nightjar. Chotacabras Lira. Uropsalis lyra
Sergio Bitran M: Little-Tinamou. Tinamiformes Tinamidae Tinamú Chico Crypturellus soui.
Sergio Bitran M: Playero de Baird. Correlimos de Baird. Calidris bairdii.
Sergio Bitran M: Flame-rumped Tanager. Tangara flamígera Ramphocelus flammigerus.
Sergio Bitran M: Masatierra Petrel. Petrel de Masatierra Pterodroma defilippiana.
Sergio Bitran M: Lesser Horned Owl. Tucúquere. Búho Magallánico. Bubo magellanicus.
laurie.mccarty: 811_7516.jpg=Hoverfly (Explored)
laurie.mccarty: 850_7914 Kit Red Fox Explored 01-14-2023
laurie.mccarty: 810_8304 Virgina Spring Beauty (Explore-04-14-2024)
laurie.mccarty: 850_6878=Brown Thrasher
joachim.kracher: Gegenlicht im Wald
IshranI: Mourning warbler, Dryden, Ontario
spicysquid1: Young but Determined
Rayladur: Bécassin roux - Short-Billed Dowitcher