skl_cld: Mandarinente / mandarin duck
skl_cld: Kleine Impression im Wald / Small impression in the forest
TESS4756: Pirolle à bec rouge - Urocissa erythroryncha - Red-billed Blue Magpie
birdfromthesouth: European Roller
birdfromthesouth: Bearded Reedling
birdfromthesouth: Desert finch❤️ Şanlıurfa birecik yeni Akpınar köyü📍
birdfromthesouth: Desert finch
birdfromthesouth: Golden Eagle
TESS4756: Garrulaxe à tête rousse - Trochalopteron erythrocephalum - Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush et Bulbul à joues blanches - Pycnonotus leucogenys - Himalayan Bulbul
TESS4756: Martin-pêcheur tacheté - Megaceryle lugubris - Crested Kingfisher
TESS4756: Témia de Swinhoe - Dendrocitta formosae - Grey Treepie
TESS4756: Torquéole à gorge rousse - Arborophila rufogularis - Rufous-throated Partridge
TESS4756: Sittelle de Blyth - Sitta cinnamoventris - Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch et Bulbul à joues blanches - Pycnonotus leucogenys - Himalayan Bulbul
TESS4756: Pic cendré - Picus canus - Grey-headed Woodpecker et Perruche à tête prune - Psittacula cyanocephala - Plum-headed Parakeett
Kaire - kas: DSC_5170
Kaire - kas: DSC_7333
Kaire - kas: Lepalind
Kaire - kas: Kuldkoka poeg
Kaire - kas: Kahekesi
Igor "Ixa" Nael: Fiercely wild, the nature of Estonia! 😎 - Ägedalt metsik, Eestimaa loodus! 😎
Birdmom50: IMG_0910
Birdmom50: Hawk on my electric box this morning
jackez2010: Pinson des arbres_A_17715_DxO
Carsten Bahnsen: Kohlmeise /great tit (Parus major)
Carsten Bahnsen: Tannenmeise - Coal Tit (Periparus ater)
Carsten Bahnsen: Eichhörnchen - red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
marieroy0808: Hermine - Ermine - armiño - Mustela erminea
phbyo: brown pelican
phbyo: red bellied woodpecker
billbigfish: Always watching!