avant1997: 施郁庭
TEIA - 台灣環境資訊協會: 永侒礦場新舊礦區區位圖。擷取自環評書件
TEIA - 台灣環境資訊協會: 粗坑溪水源充足,為自來水公司與農田水利會取水口。孫文臨攝
koen_jacobs: Fishermen
taiwanicus: Araceae Alocasia odora
Gilson T.: Cinematic Beauty
gurkendoktor: bathing in light
4061: Approaching Ramsbottom Station
Luke Mullin: Strata
passion4streetphotography: “Butterflies are self-propelled flowers.” – R.H. Heinlein
taiwanicus: Illiciaceae Illicium anisatum
taiwanicus: Pinaceae Keteleeria davidiana var. formosana
aleshurik: ..summer memories..
avant1997: iland,taiwan
avant1997: tamsui,taiwan
avant1997: Quemoy,Taiwan
hellomumu / Taiwan: 樹居舉尾蟻 ( Crematogaster sp. )
avant1997: 口湖 Kohou, Taiwan
avant1997: 玉里 Yuli,Taiwan
avant1997: sunk grave
avant1997: ready to harvest
台灣影像圖庫,莊信賢影像世界: L05058,砂卡礑-太魯閣-花蓮縣-秀林鄉-太魯閣國家公園-砂卡礑溪-神秘谷-溪流-大理石-岩石
Guu老古: 090328太平山 032
Foggy Forest: 009337_Nicotiana tabacum 煙草
nobler: 端紫斑蝶 Euploea mulciber
myu-myu: Happy New Year !
GAntico: First snow in Milan
MarkJohnston92: Lost In The Woods
Foggy Forest: p126.jpg
Foggy Forest: IMG_3272_Hibiscus sabdariffa 洛神葵.JPG