Jack O'Donate:
Je glisse silencieusement parmi les feuilles mortes. / I glide silently among the dead leaves.
Driving Backroads:
Beaver Dam Barn
Markus Lehr:
Christoph Fischer:
The Telephoto: The Ideal Lens for Landscape Photography!
Jack O'Donate:
Je surgis du bokeh... / I come out of the bokeh...
Jack O'Donate:
La vie est un parcours d'obstacles...^^ / Life is a course of obstacles...^^
O's Photo Project:
Sans Titre
O's Photo Project:
Sans Titre
Lens and Shutter:
Fishes at the public market in the Philippines.
Jack O'Donate:
En balade dans son jardin botanique. / Walking in his botanical garden.
Jack O'Donate:
En terrain accidenté... / In rough terrain...
Jack O'Donate:
"Micro herbivore" dans sa prairie #5.
Markus Lehr:
"Silence - Schweigen"
Frank van Dongen:
• Stillness and Stride
Driving Backroads:
River Lore
O's Photo Project:
Sans Titre
Jack O'Donate:
Un crustacé dans la mousse #1. / A crustacean in the moss. #1
Jack O'Donate:
Diaphane. / Diaphanous.