Stefano Rugolo: Autumn grass
Ro Cafe: Crazy bokeh
Marcello Consolo: Geron sp.
"What's in the box?!": Pyramids of Giza
Vest der ute: Evening sun, Norway
RJSchutDigitaal: Kolibrievlinder - Hummingbird hawk-moth - Macroglossum stellatarum
Ro Cafe: Fly away!
2000stargazer: Bergen sunset
StevieC - Photography: Sunset Shipwreck
ujjal dey: Cormorant Fisherman @Yangshuo ~ EXPLORED #31 (03-Aug-2018)
Capturing The Elements: Darkness Falls
Meleah Reardon: Vermilion Lakes, Banff
Meleah Reardon: Two Jack Lake, Banff
Malte Ketelsen: Gasaladur, Faroe Islands Panorama
bastian_m.89: Milchstraße über den Drei Zinnen
O-Du: Bläulinge - Lycaenidae
andy_AHG: Sun Antlers
yaman ibrahim: sunsetF#2
t8tohs: What the hands of a cowboy can do!
Matthieu Berroneau: Couleuvre d'Esculape Zamenis longissimus
Bradley Hamel: A pearl crescent butterfly with a cherry on top
Stan Smucker: Calm before sunrise