Dinusaur: Laughing Gull
Bill McDonald 2016: Mourning Warbler
Bill McDonald 2016: Golden-winged Warbler
Bill McDonald 2016: Northern Gannet with grass
Bird-Nerd87: American Redstart
Bird-Nerd87: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Gary Helm: "Just THe Facts"
Bill McDonald 2016: Mourning Warbler on log
Tj & Jo: Northern Waterthrush
Paul Jessett: Female Dotterel , Cairngorms National Park..
Christian Sanchez Photography: Northern Mockingbird
Bill McDonald 2016: Worm-eating Warbler
Bill McDonald 2016: Lousiana Waterthrush
Bill McDonald 2016: Prairie Warbler
Bill McDonald 2016: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker "sucking sap"
Bill McDonald 2016: Pine Warbler
Bill McDonald 2016: Yellow-throated Vireo
Bill McDonald 2016: Mourning Warbler
Gary Helm: Barred Owl
Gary Helm: Black-Necked Stilt
Luis Lugo (Lucho): Milano Plomizo (Ictinia plumbea)
beeton_bear: Snowy_Post_WEB_2U6A8602
Don Delaney: Gyrations II
birdseeker: blue-gray knatcatcher1261
birdseeker: bay-breastedwarbler8660
birdseeker: prothonotarywarbler3803
Jonathan Bowcutt EFIAP BPE3: Lapwing in Machair
Bill McDonald 2016: Blackburnian Warbler