jerryschnapper: DSCF0304
In Memoriam: zoomclic: BUSY BEE....EDIT
evisdotter: Snow on reed
mat56.: L'ultimo grappolo
+ Noa +: Echo Ridge1
Anvilcloud: A Touch of September Fog
Gicol Photography: With a friend in the dark
Ostseeleuchte: Baltic Sea view in December
Carl's Captures: Once, Rice, Three Times a Lady
munchflemming: This evening in TIVOLI Copenhagen
bluehazyjunem: Sarcandra glabra/千両 (Species of flowering shrub in the family Chloranthaceae)
maj-lis: Sötnosen Alfred
alfonso-tm: Bodegón
evisdotter: Svibyviken
HikerandBiker: Blattwerk
Mejxu: Großkopf-Ruderfrosch, Jungtier
GerWi: Sonnenaufgang im Nebel
GerWi: Morgennebel am Berg
GerWi: Wegschnecke
robbie466: Portugal
Eleanor (On and off): Thursday`s Flower
Inga Arna: The old bridge
coulportste: Prague
Ostseeleuchte: Here you can enjoy life 😎❤
marypink: Gufo canadese
Rambonp:loves all creatures of this universe.: Morning at Dal Lake............
gfavchi: Cold Windy incredible Iceland