SYaks: DSC_7530
kevin-palmer: A Strange Place
SYaks: DSC_2065
wiseacre photo: One never reaches home, but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time
DennisKirkland: Muzzle First
SYaks: DSC_0558.JPG
Chester Johnson: IMG_9142
Christian Montone: Mad Magazine (1967)
kevin-palmer: Concretions
DennisKirkland: Point Of No Return
Chester Johnson: DSC_9670
AreKev: All Saints Church, Stone
R.Smrekar: Bay near Mali Lošinj - Croatia
bernard.saubot: Urban geometry
TAC.Photography: Downtown Chicago under fog in 2016
Titan 1128: Single to Leeds ?
DennisKirkland: Cactus Buck
cardadz3: Holy Trinity Church of Bendon - Another View
DennisKirkland: Foggy stand Off.
DennisKirkland: White-tailed Deer
DennisKirkland: Dominant Stare
FotoGrazio: Fragaria
DennisKirkland: The Pose
DennisKirkland: Bring On The Sun!
WabbyTwaxx: Three Horses
Travis Klingler (SivArt): Deschutes Dream
Jerry T Patterson: Milky Way Dragon Eye