Arjan Beeftink: Groningen, Holland
ranedge: midnight at the oasis
ranedge: goodnight my love...pleasant dreams
SteveWA: Lexi
Rob E Twoo: Barred Owl
rantropolis: A Coal Fed Behemoth
michaelbrnd: Unit 3 Exciter
Ron Meijer Photo-Art: XH2G5609CPBCF-XF500-SPEC
Berny S2: Blue Power Plant
Sultan Sultani: Head Shot
Sultan Sultani: Breakfast
Jim Beers: Ring-necked Duck
giannipiras555: Winter landscape ( On Explore)
AlaskaFreezeFrame: Another Closeup Portrait Of The Little Female Red Fox - In Explore
Maffe: They have so little and give so much
Daryll90ca: Happy Window Wednesday/Hump Day - HWW/HHD!!!
David Renwald: Nikon F - Portland, Oregon
FireDevilPhoto: Her Masters Voice
ralbovs: Navajo Bridge
Mark Buchan Jones: Long-eared Owl in a Fir Tree (Explored)
A Camera Story: Prayer to Nature
p.niebergall: Castle Hülshoff
Ardan.: Snowy Mountain Range Peaks ~ New Zealand
steve_rob: Drive-By Sunset
steve_rob: The Day the Music Died
steve_rob: Waitin' On A Train
ER Post: Moose (Alces alces)