Raf Sarmento: This piece was done for a workshop featured on #imaginefx issue 120 earlier this year - these are my personal take on Morgana Le Fay and (an imprisoned) Merlin. "The Avalon's Chamber", digital. A MASSIVE "thanks/sorry" (for the delay on posting this)
Steve Rolston: I’m at the Vancouver Comic Arts Festival all weekend at the Roundhouse Community Centre! I’ve got prints of my #DarkestDungeon pin-up! Come on down! #vancaf
Steve Rolston: I drew a lil Doc Ock at #VanCAF today. I'll be there tomorrow too at the Roundhouse in Vancouver. Admission is free!
himitsuhana: La stagione dei papaveri
miguel.robledo: Robot concept_07
Grickle: Wiener Stampede!
Daneli: The Kings Canyon.
DRES13: The First Defender
Daneli: I love light. It's Delicious.
miguel.robledo: robot_concept_08
featherbed: Sweat and Salt.
miumauorg: cats
miumauorg: Signing my books in Nice
miumauorg: Kot'd azhur :-)
brookeshaden: searching
Grickle: What the bear was told.
Steve Rolston: Jolaine, the Moon Diner's less friendly waitress. #INKtober #PigmaInktober #KuretakeInktober
farel dalrymple: sketch done in vancouver BC
Willo @WilloLovesYou: We look superimposed, but it's only because we're front-lit by the ridiculous mall that's at the top of the Peak. Breathtaking view behind us though, and worth every step of our 2-hour hiking adventure! #sweatybabes #workitout
Willo @WilloLovesYou: Fancy serious selfie while waiting for the lift.
Phil McAndrew: Tiny Painting 09
Katie Aaberg: Mediums too! #halloween #blitzkriegbuttons #porkshop
Katie Aaberg: Nice order grouping! Love this selection of black and whites! #blitzkriegbuttons #porkshop
Raf Sarmento: "TRIUMVIRAT" /// This is a visdev exploration for a comics project - read more about it at rafsarmento.com #triumvirat #comics #MAZE #mazecomics #visdev #illustration #painting #drawing #digital #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: "QVO Die Graffitikünstler", a quickie painting for the sake of fun (and exploring new approaches/ideas) - rafsarmento.tumblr.com #illustration #painting #experiment #ideation #comics #research #graffiti #kunstler #kunst #sarmento