Raf Sarmento: When I was invited to give a lecture at @unochapeco last month, I had the INCREDIBLE honor of meeting this huge and bearded gent. If you know him, you know what I mean. If you don't, this is Vitor Severo Leães, game producer of #Toren, an incredibly poeti
Raf Sarmento: "Faun" (detail) - go check it at rafsarmento.com / artstation.com/artist/rafsarmento #faun #illustration #painting #drawing #digital #experiment #comics #style #research #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: Aw yeah --- getting my music projects back on track. Just couldn't be more excited! Soon you'll start to understand this crazy journey of mine... Everything has a purpose. @monteblancomusic #music #recording #experimental #groove #electronica #jazzymoods
Raf Sarmento: FINALLY got the {right} drive for pursuing oil painting --- it has very little to do with expectations (mine or from others), and even less with following trends, or other painters works as motivation (but as inspiration). It's WAY more personal. This shi
Raf Sarmento: A NICE shot of caffeine with this delicious french press coffee, before freaking work!!! ☕💘👊🎨 #frenchpress #coffee #fuckingyeah #cafeokay #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: "Protecteur", my newest quasi-comics experiment --- website update! Go check - rafsarmento.com #website #update #portfolio #illustration #art #digital #painting #comics #research #protecteur #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: The beauty of the VR future --- my girl @paula_nnn's reaction trying it for the first time! The cool thing is that we never get used to it, it's always an adventure. GO GO GO @imgnationbr !!! #gearVR #oculus #HTCVive #VR #experience #TheFuture #imgnations
Raf Sarmento: Well, a 2D WIP for a change, right? This is where I'll always feel like home, it's my soul. This is a new attempt on my comic-esque approach/style - these will come more regularly... 2016 will be a comics year for me, soon you'll know more about it. #wo
Raf Sarmento: Back into my 3D study piece, "The Blind Sorcerer". As much as this apparently sci-fi head doens't evoke "sorcerer" at first sight, this is EXACTLY the point - you'll see at the end. Bending genres is such a great creative exercise. Have a great weekend,
Raf Sarmento: Em minha breve estadia em Chapecó, tive o inestimável prazer e honra de participar de uma incrível tarde na @oops_store , assinando cartas de Magic e curtindo com a galera. Um ULTRA obrigado ao pessoal da loja, vocês fizeram deste mero ilustrador um cada
Raf Sarmento: The Powerfull Gauderiasso de Metal no centro de Chaps --- praticamente um monumento estilo soviético, só que dos Pampas! #ODesbravador #GaudériodeMetal #Chapecó #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: Pudim & Paçoca, a dupla dinâmica dos carinhos, coçadinhas e peidorrança subliminar. Total 💘💘💘 #pudim #paçoca #chapeco #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: Momento blasé na chesterfield linda do Hotel Lang, em Chapecó | Esse dia foi o começo da INCRÍVEL Semana Acadêmica da @unochapeco! Em breve fotos de tudo de MAIS INCRÍVEL que aconteceu nesse inspirador evento, cria do @rdrglvr e seus comparsas maravilhoso
Raf Sarmento: O café da manhã no Hotel Lang Palace em Chapecó é simplesmente uma EXPLOSÃO GÁSTRICA de sabor, variedade e nutrição violenta do organismo. NÃO SOMOS MERECEDORES 😅😆😧😫😘 ☕🍰🍩🍫
Raf Sarmento: Chapecó, você é LINDA 💘💘💘 #chapeco #hotelview #landscape #workshopday #bliss #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: "The Blind Sorcerer", back view - this will get INTENSE. Still adapting to ZBrush, but everyday I learn something new. #wip #illustration #sculpture #zbrush #keyshot #3D #experiment #exploration #digital #art #soon #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: WIP, "The Blind Sorcerer", one more step - almost ready for rendering/painting. #workinprogress #wip #sculpture #sculpting #3D #zbrush #keyshot #illustration #experiment #exploration #digital #art #fantasy #scifi #storytelling #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: WIP of my first 3D based illustration /// Sculpting the character before the painting itself is absolutelly addictive, makes the whole thing more deep, definetly adding more layers of inherent storytelling. #WIP #illustration #sculpture #digital #drawin
Raf Sarmento: Sculpting the ideas I usually envision in 2D is opening a whole new level of perception in my mind. Let's see what happens from now on. #3D #sculpture #sculpting #modeling #head #experiment #ideation #exploration #art #digital #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: One of the fragments from the Spoils of St. Hubris, the magistral (ongoing) art project created by the one and only @sterlinghundley, the most epic ginger bearded gentleman in the art/illustration world.
Raf Sarmento: OK folkz, just one more. It's that I'm freaking out with all these new (and apparently infinite) possibilities...! #zbrush #keyshot #3D #sculpting #rendering #experiment #exploration #imgnationstudios #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: Today's study --- a chinese folk, assimilated by some alien force. First shot at Keyshot (hah). Day One was the day to accept that I'm OFFICIALLY ADDICTED, and deeply engaged to 3D. Tons, TONS to study/grow/develop into the unknown, insane future. #zbrush
Raf Sarmento: Hey guess what - Cachaço has a message for ya! "Puuurrr-purrr meowth 500th pur-pur weeaaaaaa1600PURRRRRRR" ("Hey there! This is the 500th post, thanks to all the 1600+ folks following my hooman!") Aw how kind of you Caz, will have to start posting more st
Raf Sarmento: NANO update --- didn't even had time to make actual progress, just posting this because I'm INCREDIBLY excited for feeling (for the very first time) that the 3D thing might actually become something HUGE in my life. Freaking exciting! #3D #sculpting #mode
Raf Sarmento: OK ZBrush --- LET'S DO THIS. #DayZero #Zbrush #3D #Sculpting #Modeling #NextStep #TheFuture #Art #VR #imgnationstudios #FuckYeah #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: Organizing "The Dungeon" for a very special #ImagineFX feature --- my main dude @smashrs took some CRAZY good photos! You'll see them soon. #workspace #studio #thedungeon #illustration #painting #inspirationwall #tools #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: Instagram allowing non-square photos now?! SWEET! Here is a test post with my workspace at @imgnationbr / my BRUH @markur0 is back there! #workspace #imgnationstudios #illustration #tools #cintiq #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: I'll spend all of September preparing some whitebacks and originals for the majestic GP Porto Alegre. Hope you'll be there! #magicthegathering #MTG #GPPortoAlegre #art #illustration #drawing #painting #soon #sarmento @magicthegathering @magic_br @wizard
Raf Sarmento: Stuff in progress. #wip #workinprogress #illustration #digital #painting #drawing #sketching #ideation #storytelling #portfolio #visualdevelopment #sarmento
Raf Sarmento: If you love fantasy Illustration/art (and especially oil painting), this is your Holy Bible --- "The Legend of Steel Bashaw", by the otherworldly inspiring Petar Meseldzija. Enough said. Go paint. #thelegendofsteelbashaw #petarmeseldzija #artbook #fol