graftedno1: Robber Fly..
fturmog: Papilio machaon
annkelliott: Red-breasted Nuthatch
Ron Wolf: Anna's Hummingbirds
graftedno1: Hybrid. F2
annkelliott: Bohemian Waxwing with berry
graftedno1: .Green Bottle Fly.
ozoni11: Right Place, Right Time...Part One of Four...Red-shouldered Hawk Catches Fish
graftedno1: Polistes annularis. Nikon D300 + Tamron 180mm @ 1:1.5
graftedno1: Polistes annularis.
njchow82: Goldenrod
annkelliott: Bald Eagle
xie-wei: 黃胸泥壺蜂(胡蜂科)Delta pyriforme
xie-wei: DSC_0251
fturmog: Papallona
annkelliott: Bald Eagle
annkelliott: Golden Eagle
annkelliott: Which is better?
NC Orchid: Ghost Orchid closeup
annkelliott: Oh, no - she's BACK!
annkelliott: Watching closely
Momenti di Montagna: WHO WILL SURVIVE?
annkelliott: Flicker Beauty