NC Orchid: Getting ready for the big game!
NC Orchid: Nice mix of Vietnam era helicopters. I flew the top & bottom ones and got supported by the middle one when flying scouts.
NC Orchid: 2021-05-04_11-43-20
NC Orchid: Trillium oostingii
NC Orchid: Trillium oostingii (Wateree Trillium)
NC Orchid: Trillium oostingii
NC Orchid: Trillium oostingii
NC Orchid: More Yellow Lady's Slippers
NC Orchid: Yellow Lady's Slippers
NC Orchid: Nice Yellow Lady's Slippers clump
NC Orchid: Yellow Lady's Slipper close-up
NC Orchid: Mark on YLSs
NC Orchid: Paul
NC Orchid: Limestonee pavement
NC Orchid: Lakeside Daisy
NC Orchid: Dwarf lilly
NC Orchid: Indian Paint Brush
NC Orchid: Columbine
NC Orchid: Flowerpot Lighthouse
NC Orchid: Flowerpot Island coast
NC Orchid: Flowerpot
NC Orchid: Flowerpot 2
NC Orchid: Goodyera oblongifolia leaves
NC Orchid: Goodyera repens leaves
NC Orchid: Striped Coralroot
NC Orchid: Dorcus Bay
NC Orchid: Ram's Head Orchid
NC Orchid: Fields full of Serricena purperea
NC Orchid: S. purperea about to bloom
NC Orchid: Harts Tongue Fern