Debbie Weiss southfldeb: Mishima footed platter out of kiln 04
Christine4nier: Maple color
Talsi1: Patriot Portrait
alpo430: green longlegged fly (Dolichopodid Flies)
Msomi: Shriveled
Msomi: Delicate leaves
Daniel Light: Stairway to Toxic Chemicals
Storm_Front: Goofy Cat!
dee_r: I See You!
stevehsu: P1010524
Daniel Light: Closed Doors
mizaliza: Mary and Her Baby
Daniel Light: On Guard
The Merry Monk: Crop or not?
jvverde: Copper Sunbird
Joi: Dragonfly wings
batsax: IMGP4668
batsax: Sweetie P
Patty Peets: Seeds of love
tanakawho: Lotus center & petals
Lightspectral: She is still so beautiful!
The Groovster: Passion flower - macro
Jane HH: gioia's party 3
tba1959: Kinsale Doors
petrichor: Eriostemon australasius II
.unsuono.: Allegria
Beckie Fitzgerald: Peeking Through the Petals