petrichor: Thelephora?
petrichor: Thsanotus
petrichor: Penicillium sp.
petrichor: ID me please :)
petrichor: Front garden
petrichor: Front garden
petrichor: Crypt_Tank_Progress
petrichor: Hovea linearis
petrichor: Euphorbia sp.
petrichor: Armillaria rhizomorphs.
petrichor: Armillaria rhizomorphs.
petrichor: Everlasting daisy
petrichor: Peacock, Taronga Zoo
petrichor: Unknown tropical flower, Noumea, New Caledonia
petrichor: Unknown pale pink Boronia?
petrichor: Tick mouthparts. I pulled this little guy out of my arm and put him (or her) under a microscope. Toothy bits on show.
petrichor: P1000172
petrichor: P1000171
petrichor: P1000164
petrichor: P1000161
petrichor: P1000142
petrichor: P1000132
petrichor: Leucopogon setiger
petrichor: Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa sp) on Gompholobium
petrichor: Leptospermum sp.
petrichor: Thelymitra ixioides
petrichor: Fooling about with a new compact camera
petrichor: Lichen
petrichor: Lichens
petrichor: IMG_6687