Adrian Silas Tay: Lesser Sand Plover
Francesc F P: Merops apiaster
IIIfbIII: Im Erlenbruch
C.Marboeuf: Un petit calin
Ger Bosma: Lion Fish Finesse [eXPLoReD]
d26b73: Baker.Street
Loïc Lagarde: Dusk on Champs Elysées Avenue in Christmas Paris
aleshurik: ..summer memories..
Loïc Lagarde: The City of Light
aleshurik: ..morning..
Max Haffelder: # Schottland
Mitch Alland: Bangkok
aleshurik: autumn lake
aleshurik: summer dream
soelin: Natural indoor light @ ISO 12800 with Sony A7s and Leica Summicron-M 50/2 Collapsible
soelin: Father & Daughter, Shot with Sony A7s, Leica 50/2 Summicron Collapsible LTM @ 1600ISO