Doug Greenberg: Shining honeycreeper
sbuckinghamnj: Heliconius doris
sbuckinghamnj: Callicore cynosura
sbuckinghamnj: It's elementary, my dear Hoatzin!
Shelley O'Connell: P9047582 copy
Carlos Alberto Arias A.: Chaetocercus mulsant
TheyLookLikeUs: Snag Burn
TheyLookLikeUs: Porphyrio hochstetteri (South Island Takahē)
TheyLookLikeUs: "Beorn" Nestor notabilis (Kea)
sbuckinghamnj: Pteronymia sp.
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): The shed foreman checks all is well inside the gloomy roundhouse at Barrow Hill MPD as ex-GER Holden J17 0-6-0 no.8217 and other loco's stand around the turntable on 1st March 2017
Eric Gofreed: You gotta pluck 'em before you eat 'em.
gskipperii: Great Horned owl at my school-Mojave Desert CA
Jeremy Sanson: Yellow and Red
philippeoros: Hirondelle de rivage
wildbird2015: Banded Rail ( Rallus phillipensis )
wildbird2015: DSC_2165 Young Blue Duck ( Hymenolaimus malachoryncos )
wildbird2015: DSC_7531 Blue mountain Duck ...( Hymenolaimus malachorincos )
philippeoros: Astrid Ondulé
Paul Stuart: Male Chaffinch
sbuckinghamnj: Heliconius melpomene schunkei (Postman subspecies)
sbuckinghamnj: Scarlet-bellied Mountain-tanager
philippeoros: Guêpier d'Europe
Karl Bishop: Firecrest
philippeoros: Galaxie M51
dt_images: Hualālai craters
dt_images: Hualālai collapsed lava tube
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): The crew lean out of the cab of Ex-GWR Collett 0-4-2T no.1420 as it waits facing south at Highley station with a maroon autocoach whilst a heritage Sunbeam motor car stands by the signalbox on 20th March 2000.
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): LNWR Webb Coal Tank no.1054 is working well as it passes the signals at Beeches Road with a short passenger train on 23rd May 2013
philippeoros: Discussion entre amis ...