Jessica L Wyatt: 240|365 - brecken at the treefarm
Peperoros: Alright you can have it
myBIGdoguk: Jack & Ralph the Golden Retrievers
Ingrid0804: Blissful
Shana Rae {Florabella Collection}: Pink Roses in Vintage Urn
Ingrid0804: With the wind in her hair!
SOBPhotography: | Not a Surf Dog |
IDA Interior LifeStyle: A cozy place..wool
Boxwoodcottage: My new bed
amyvervoort: Claire and Gromit
Ingrid0804: My Golden Retriever Ditte
plesserchick: santa's helpers
moirawinder: DSC_1348
_Mol: Are you lookin' at ME?
Ingrid0804: Watching the winter sunset
wdwlarkey22: DSC01482
VeryViVi: {322/365 2010} Rake Job!
tovemichelle12: IMG_3935
Sophie & Me: whats this?
Tim McKusker: _DSC8373
LStory: 10Weeks_4
Xtellev: A slice of cherry Bakewell pudding
LuckyGolden: Lucky - the golden retriever
treefall design: DSC06421.JPG