mark chang:
某牌OEM 130和105公分銀面拋物線傘效果圖
Hodaka Yamamoto:
彼岸の舞 -deep into the sky
Petri Damstén:
When Monsters Cry
. Charlotte .:
Just relaxing <33
Hodaka Yamamoto:
砂漠のハイウェイ -highway in a desert
Hodaka Yamamoto:
夏色に染まる -a silhouette in the midsummer
Sergio Vizarro:
Hodaka Yamamoto:
嘆きの石 -wailing wall
Hodaka Yamamoto:
裏腹な肖像 -Tokyo Harajuku snaps
Albion Harrison-Naish:
Modernist shafts with seated figure
Hodaka Yamamoto:
夏の肖像 -summer silhouette
Albion Harrison-Naish:
Hodaka Yamamoto:
夏空のオフィーリア -Ophelia in the summer sky
Hodaka Yamamoto:
夏空に泳ぐ -Swim in the summer sky
Huacheng Wang: