blavandmaster: Light moments
lizardking_cda: Un petit air de fête VI
die Fernreiselustige: Germany, Cologne - squirrels - uiihh fine... Sunflower seeds
die Fernreiselustige: Galapagos, Las Tintoreras, two Galapagos land iguanas
oʇ[◎]ɥd | ʍɟɐ: Say "Cheese"
silviusdamicus: Steampunk b&w 113
Angel@ T@ylor: This is Mirrar , she’s been a bad girl she was catch barking at the swan’s.
hjuengst: Vicenza
hjuengst: enjoy the atmosphere
hjuengst: octagon backyard
♥siebe ©: Burgers Zoo
♥siebe ©: Gelada Baby
♥siebe ©: Monkey Blijdorp
caminanteK: Valensole (Alpes de Haute-Provence, Fr) – Bain de lavandin
caminanteK: Mora (Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, Sp) – Olivos
caminanteK: Bagnères-de-Bigorre (Hautes-Pyrénées, Occitanie, Fr). - Les masques blancs
caminanteK: Zorraquín (La Rioja, Sp) – Iglesia románica
Professor Bop: Handyman
Professor Bop: Some Like It Cool
Professor Bop: Hoosac Trestle
Professor Bop: Winter Shadows
Professor Bop: Artists Alley
Professor Bop: Minor Adjustments
Professor Bop: Northwest Hills
Professor Bop: Shadows of Rome
Professor Bop: Key West Blues