billoddie3: Puffin, Fratercula Arctica
billoddie3: Stonechat.Female Saxicola Torquata
billoddie3: Kingfisher, Alcedo Atthis
Turk Images: Red-necked Grebe
NickWakeling: Dartford Warbler
Kulama: Cuckoo-04.04.2021-0591
Summerside90: White-crowned Sparrow
OWL62: Bearded tit
Chas Moonie-Wild Photography: Goshawk male, probably 18 months old
Chas Moonie-Wild Photography: Capercaillie : Winter 2018
Chas Moonie-Wild Photography: GOLDEN EAGLE female
billoddie3: Puffins Fratercula. Arctica
dale 1: Private fishing
billoddie3: Kingfisher Alcedo Atthis
"Clare": Peregrine Falcon
faust007: Bee-eater record shots at East Leake
MoGoutz: Cyprinus carpio
dale 1: Kingfisher with fish breakfast . best viewed in large
Kulama: Cuckoo-4362
billoddie3: Puffin Fratercula Arctica
NickWakeling: Reed Warbler
NickWakeling: Dartford Warbler
Kulama: Cuckoo-3862
Joe Turner - Nature & Wildlife Photography: Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
NickWakeling: Dartford Warbler
JDA-Wildlife: Northern Flicker
dale 1: My last kingfisher to put on Flickr for a while . Promise . Best viewed in large
roy rimmer: Treecreeper collecting nesting material.
billoddie3: Long Tailed Tit Aegithalos Caudatus