nigel1w1: These guys are just so cute..
nigel1w1: These little guys are adorable..
nigel1w1: European Pine Marten Loved photographing these guys…
nigel1w1: Buzzard (female)
nigel1w1: Sparrow hawk ( male )
nigel1w1: Where did you come from.. Waiting for the barn owl to show up but this beautiful tawny owl decides I’m 1st..
nigel1w1: About time….. Been a long time coming waiting patiently but what a beauty this female Barn Owl is..😊
nigel1w1: Another night out photographing this beautiful Female Barn Owl ..😃
nigel1w1: Beautiful.. Another look at this stunning & beautiful Female Barn Owl,..
nigel1w1: The phantom of the night Just love photographing these stunning Barn Owls,not quite got the shot I want but boy having fun trying to get it..
nigel1w1: A Boxing Day Barny… And what a beauty 😊
dodgyd53: B02Q9681
davie b 777: DSC_4056 OTTER 5
Nigey2: Hoopoe
Lakes4life: Marsh Harrier Sep 2020
Geoff_Holland: Wryneck 3
Chas Moonie-Wild Photography: Otter, nice to get the whole tail in
nigel1w1: Little owl Just love photographing these little guys..
AdamUK12: Hypnotising little owl
In Memoriam: FISHERMAN'S PASSION AND OPEN NATURE..: LECHUZON OREJUDO... ( Asio clamator ) Toma en lago de Regatas - buenos aires . palermo
davie b 777: DSC_3085 BARN OWL 7
Chiv3: Kingfisher
rachelbennett616: Badger portrait
nigel1w1: Yawn.. morning Nige you been waiting long.. Only 3 hrs mate..🙈
Arun Prasad S: Short-toed snake eagle with Rat Snake
gfbrown44: Osprey
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Rose Coloured Starling
davie b 777: DSC_8343 Little owl
Gladys Klip: Kastanjespecht / Chestnut-colored Woodpecker / Pic Roux