koalie: "I'm actually calling the shots"
simplebitsdan: Speakers' dinner
Matt Biddulph: new bass is here! it's been more than five years since I last played regularly.
koalie: Ian
koalie: Caroline
koalie: Matt. I am happy.
mrbrowntheweb: WDN Day 1
letsmetzger: Dan Connolly
letsmetzger: Dan Connolly
cwilso: IMG_0216
zeroexp: back to discussing IKL
Jeremy Gillick: I scored a W3C scarf from Dan Connolly
Jeremy Gillick: Chris with a blue w3c scarf
Norm Walsh: TAG Panel Presentation at WWW 2002
Norm Walsh: The TAG in Bristol
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tantek: IMG_3465
Dave Orchard: At a Bristol pub with the TAG and Semantic Web folks
PatHayes: HASTAC
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thelehegarets: W3C Workshop on Video on the Web
psd: Microformats!
HadleyNet: Dan Connolly
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alexmuse: DSC_0190.JPG
alexmuse: DSC_0178.JPG
Ewan Spence: Barcamp Stage Prep
Mangrove Weblog: Browser wars