Bits On Twigs: Resupinate fungi
Bits On Twigs: Hellebore
spennydave: Soaking wet ..
Ted Holm Photography: Yosemite adorned in a blanket of pristine snow, a breathtaking winter wonderland.
Ted Holm Photography: The egret stealthily stalked its prey through the shallow waters, hunger driving its every move.
Englepip: Spring has come!
john durrant: ONEN HAG OLL.
john durrant: Don't often find a coconut in the necropolis leave alone a surprised one.
john durrant: Lady Kate moored in the river.
Bernie Duhamel: Cedar Waxwing
Blurmeister: 'Mantling' Little Owl
Blurmeister: Bluethroat
Ted Holm Photography: As the sun dipped below the horizon, a formation of geese gracefully descended onto the tranquil pond, casting enchanting silhouettes against the vibrant hues of twilight.
Englepip: Dust to dust
spennydave: Tulip
Blurmeister: Little Egret
Ted Holm Photography: A solitary bald eagle perches stoically amidst swirling snowflakes, its majestic presence undeterred by the wintry storm.
Englepip: Love on a plate for MM
john durrant: Rare visitor ... a non runner it seems.
john durrant: The moon February 19. 18;05 hrs GMT. (ESE). 80.2%. 42degrees altitude.
spennydave: Snowdrops in the rain ..
spennydave: Peace Lily ..
photosauraus rex: Trout Lake, Vancouver B.C. Canada
Bernie Duhamel: Delicate Arch - Utah
Bernie Duhamel: Rainbow - Arches National Park
Bits On Twigs: Stump Puffballs Apioperdon pyriforme?
Bits On Twigs: Resupinate Snow Fungus Byssomerulius corium