john durrant: The moon April 23. 21;48 hrs BST. (SE). 100%. 12 degrees altitude.
john durrant: Keeping the vampires at bay in the necropolis.
john durrant: The navy at work over the bay.
john durrant: Floral eyes.
john durrant: Floral eyes.
john durrant: Floral eyes.
john durrant: Discarded Hot Wheels Shark Bite helicopter.
john durrant: Fox Rosehill Gardens flora.
john durrant: Fox Rosehill Gardens flora. Rogiera amoena.
john durrant: Fox Rosehill Gardens flora. Aspidistra elatior, cast-iron-plant.
john durrant: Outgrown sprog apparel on Wood Lane.
john durrant: Been practicing with differing tunings. One in standard Dobro and the other in a Hawaiian tuning. The Martin has a raised nut.
john durrant: Reflections.
john durrant: The moon April 20. 20;32 hrs BST. (SE). 91.6%. 35 degrees altitude.
john durrant: Pavement reflections.
john durrant: Fox Rosehill Gardens flora. Camassia, Indian hyacinth.
john durrant: Fox Rosehill Gardens flora. Thalictrum aquilegiifolium, Siberian columbine.
john durrant: One of Cool Cats' furry mates.
john durrant: Cool Cat in a bow tie.
john durrant: Lost towel on Foxs Lane.
john durrant: Pavement reflections.
john durrant: Queen Mary Gardens flora. The Sheep eating plant, Puya chilensis.
john durrant: Queen Mary Gardens Bromeliad.
john durrant: Pavement reflections.
john durrant: Celtic Endeavour on County wharf.
john durrant: The moon April 20. 04;13 hrs BST. (W). 88.9%. 10 degrees altitude.
john durrant: The moon April 19. 21;03 hrs BST. (SSE). 85.5%. 44 degrees altitude.
john durrant: At least someone found a use for the discarded and upended arm chair on Arwenack Avenue.
john durrant: Fox Rosehill Gardens flora. Chilean firetree, Embothrium coccineum.
john durrant: Gulf Loyalty clearing bilges.