Sergio Heads: around me
Lado Lomitashvili: wild orchid
Joel Robison: Swept Up In The Sea
Duncan WJ Palmer: Gunfleet Sands Windfarm
My . December: Hidden Angles
Memo@: c o d a
alessmile ♥: Il ya des gens comme des coquilles. Facile à les voir, un peu fermé en soi. Mais si vous écoutez attentivement, vous pouvez entendre la mer à l'intérieur
lovelypleasures: February
lovelypleasures: Inocencia
Kitty Litter.: Chosen.
mariatarazonaphotography: Relax, entertainment.
Sheila con hache: what might have been lost, don't bother me
Sheila con hache: She made her home in between the pages of books.
Sheila con hache: I wanna get out and build my own home on a street where reality is not much different from dreams I've had
Venas con humo y palabras.: Nadie nunca está mirando (escondites).
Venas con humo y palabras.: "Tant de bo!, perdre's com aquell núvol inflamat [...]"