riccardoziosi: "Raphtalia da The rising of the shield hero"
gsvoow: The nation of ten arrows
Jennifer Blakeley: Less is more...
drewphoenixlee: Cinematic series
Ryo Makimura: Ultimate White
Vinzenso: Vinzenso
musingeye: In Memoriam 8059
Vinzenso: Vinzenso
Vinzenso: Vinzenso
gsvoow: Aida
gsvoow: Aida
gsvoow: Aida
gsvoow: Aida
musingeye: Regarded Repose 8018
gsvoow: Aida
Pawel Mikulski: Selva di Cadore, Dolomity-Italia
SafronovIV: _DSC0051
eric t*: En rouge et bleu // In red and blue
Jazz Sandoval: Duende del volcán. Lanzarote, marzo 2013.
bcud14: Sweater season
Photographics__: DSC_1389