LUX_FECIT: 50mm Sonnar ZM + ADOX Silvermax - Portrait
eyetwist: sedan de ville. mojave desert, ca. 2017.
pantagrapher: Elsewhere
[DV8] David Patrick Valera: Union Station | Los Angeles, CA | 2017
Andy Duncan (MJ): Hulme, Manchester
Andy Duncan (MJ): Formby Sands, Lancashire
Photom0nkey (CliffC): Orange is the New Black
eyetwist: spaces available. desert center, ca. 2018.
louis.r.zurn: 59 - The Girl with the Rolleiflex
joel~o: Carlsbad, California
LUX_FECIT: 50mm Sonnar ZM
Riverman___: ms_026
J Trav: Mattiel
twotimeslim: Eastern Market
Harris Hui (in search of light): Just Shoot! - McArthur Glen XP6510e