Vagelis Pikoulas: Sunshine over the playground
Olli Kekäläinen: Waiting for No One
- David Olsson -: On the way to KSDarprt
Ingólfur B: Ragnheiður Gröndal
Holger Losekann: Neuseeland - New Zealand-0786
- David Olsson -: Butterfly on heather
markku mesterton: Carduelis chloris, Greenfinch, Viherpeippo, Grönfink,Rohevint, female
Vagelis Pikoulas: Solitude...
aleshurik: after rain
- David Olsson -: Spring bokeh
jollila: a foggy morning by the lake [explored]
-=Dea=-: Båten efter några år
DagobaMedia: India By Velvia 50 (27 of 52)
- David Olsson -: Eastern Hammarö
markku mesterton: IMG_2235-002
markku mesterton: IMG_2190-002
jptoivon: Freezing Sunset
BigWhitePelican: Wonders of Winter 3
Ingólfur B: Lómagnúpur
Emma I.: ***