danlmarmot: Paine Grande refugio
danlmarmot: Under the Cuernos
danlmarmot: Entrance to Paine Grande 'resort'
danlmarmot: Paine Grande accommodations: not bad!
danlmarmot: Dinner at Paine Grande was tasty
danlmarmot: Two for 1
danlmarmot: Enjoying beverages
danlmarmot: Paine Grande, Los Cuernos, and Lago Pehoe
danlmarmot: Escallonia sp.
danlmarmot: Breakfast with a view
danlmarmot: On track towards French Valley
danlmarmot: Sunrise, Lago Pehoe
danlmarmot: Notro and Cuernos
danlmarmot: Gunnera species
danlmarmot: Trial beneath the horns
danlmarmot: Crossing the pastel blue creek
danlmarmot: Into Camping Italiano
danlmarmot: Guard shack at Camping Italiano
danlmarmot: Nothofagus antarctica
danlmarmot: Valle del Francés
danlmarmot: Camper restroom at Camping Frances
danlmarmot: Fancy!
danlmarmot: Luxurious restroom
danlmarmot: Sunflowers
danlmarmot: Sunflowers
danlmarmot: Lago Nordenskjöld
danlmarmot: Weather is getting ugly
danlmarmot: Curious plant
danlmarmot: Hiking above Lago Nordenskjöld
danlmarmot: Bear and waterfall