danlmarmot: Leaving San Pedro for Calama
danlmarmot: Chris, waiting
danlmarmot: West of Calama
danlmarmot: Empty desert and mountain landscape
danlmarmot: Aconcagua
danlmarmot: Santiago airport ramp
danlmarmot: Leaving Santiago
danlmarmot: Raconcagua
danlmarmot: Looks like Oregon
danlmarmot: Close to Temuco
danlmarmot: Heading west
danlmarmot: Eucalyptus plantations
danlmarmot: Trail to Salto Rayen
danlmarmot: Fuchsia magellanica
danlmarmot: Fuschia magellania
danlmarmot: Unknown plant
danlmarmot: Native happy flowers
danlmarmot: The 'happy weed' again
danlmarmot: Azara sp.
danlmarmot: Chris, coming down from the waterfall.
danlmarmot: Crossing a creek.
danlmarmot: Unknown plant
danlmarmot: Roble, huge
danlmarmot: Bromeliads on a tree trunk
danlmarmot: Another roble tree
danlmarmot: Lush forest
danlmarmot: Sarmientia scandens
danlmarmot: Mitraria coccinea
danlmarmot: Lobelia tupa
danlmarmot: Done for the day