danlmarmot: We picked up hitchhikers
danlmarmot: Pasithea coerulea.
danlmarmot: Azulillo flowers
danlmarmot: Rhodophiala sp
danlmarmot: Mutisia sp
danlmarmot: Mutisia sp
danlmarmot: Another stunning flower
danlmarmot: Fabiana flowers.
danlmarmot: A Fabiana plant.
danlmarmot: Very odd flowers on this shrub.
danlmarmot: Mistletoe flowers
danlmarmot: Yet more weird plants.
danlmarmot: Barberry, close up.
danlmarmot: Barberry, blazing yellow-orange.
danlmarmot: Weird succulent plant.
danlmarmot: Araucaria trees
danlmarmot: Mystery flower
danlmarmot: Orchids
danlmarmot: Orchids orchids orchids.
danlmarmot: Trailhead and education center.
danlmarmot: Araucaria babies.
danlmarmot: Fern? Moss?
danlmarmot: Very old araucaria tree.
danlmarmot: Back down the trail.
danlmarmot: The wet and soggy trail
danlmarmot: Güiña (Oncifelis guigna)
danlmarmot: Monkey puzzle canopy
danlmarmot: Polygon bark.
danlmarmot: Millennial araucaria