danlmarmot: Chris at the Toliara Botanic Garden
danlmarmot: Map of the arboretum
danlmarmot: Arboretum entrance.
danlmarmot: Aloe species
danlmarmot: Delonix floribunda
danlmarmot: Arboretum welcome sign.
danlmarmot: Chris along the path.
danlmarmot: Euphorbia fiherenensis
danlmarmot: Native bird.
danlmarmot: Kalanchoe bracteata
danlmarmot: Lizard.
danlmarmot: Lizard, again
danlmarmot: Sanseviera schweinfurti
danlmarmot: Plants for sale
danlmarmot: Spiny forest description.
danlmarmot: Plants, plants, plants.
danlmarmot: Again, odd families mixed together.
danlmarmot: Alluaudiopsis marnierieana
danlmarmot: Chris, picturing me.
danlmarmot: Vanilla madagascariensis
danlmarmot: Euphorbia cedrorum
danlmarmot: Hyphaena coriacea
danlmarmot: Rock garden
danlmarmot: Rock garden, again.
danlmarmot: Aloe tessieri
danlmarmot: Uncarina blossom
danlmarmot: Medicinal plant sign
danlmarmot: Chris, with tree.
danlmarmot: Lumpy!
danlmarmot: Birds aroudn here.