danlmarmot: Flower of mystery tree vinca
danlmarmot: Uncarina seed pod, forming
danlmarmot: Blue flower under the uncarina bush
danlmarmot: Dragonfly
danlmarmot: Start of the trail.
danlmarmot: Uncarina and blue flower
danlmarmot: Euphorbia trees and uncarina.
danlmarmot: Baobab reaching up over the bush
danlmarmot: Me, along the trail.
danlmarmot: A thistle looking plant
danlmarmot: Along the trail
danlmarmot: View over the river
danlmarmot: Plant jumble
danlmarmot: Triangle palms
danlmarmot: Alluaudia sp.
danlmarmot: Mystery trumpet flower.
danlmarmot: Chris, resting.
danlmarmot: Kalanchoe flower.
danlmarmot: Lizard.
danlmarmot: More views out.
danlmarmot: Lizard.
danlmarmot: Millipedes.
danlmarmot: Pachypodium laemerei trunk
danlmarmot: Euphorbia sp.
danlmarmot: Totally odd plants
danlmarmot: Along the trail.
danlmarmot: Alluaudia dumosa.
danlmarmot: Chris walking down river
danlmarmot: Me, following behind...