gerainte1: A Darker Dance
gerainte1: Shetland
calderdalefoto: Beneath Scottish Skies
GlennDriver: Neuheim 4
MickH5: old friend
GlennDriver: Individuality
GlennDriver: Neuheim Trees 3
John Ormerod: Talacre
willblakeymilner: Winter Flurry
willblakeymilner: Silhouettes III
barryvanede: Keep Your Head Up
gerainte1: November's Touch
Stuart_East: Autumn Beech
calderdalefoto: Autumn's End
NorthernXposure: The Old Boating Pond, North Berwick
nlwirth: Southern Oregon Coast
nlwirth: Second Beach
gerainte1: Autumn's Entrance
gerainte1: Touches of Autumn 2
Edd Allen: Stir
dr pajchiwo: provincial notes/ the land CCCXCVII