Brett Whaley: Nodding Bur-Marigold (Bidens cernua)
bp200mm: Bridge No. 2
Nature by Travis Bonovsky: Sawtooth Sunflower
Jim Teske: Northern Lights - Grand Marias, Minnesota
Rich Mayer Photography: MajesticSunriise2Smaller
bp200mm: Prairie Smoke and Raindrops
Brett Whaley: Juncas sp. closeup flowering
Brett Whaley: Pussytoes
Brett Whaley: Physalis virginiana (Virginia Ground Cherry)
gamelaner: Pacific Coralroot
bp200mm: White Spiderworts
Nature by Travis Bonovsky: Spotted Sandpiper
Nature by Travis Bonovsky: Yellow Warbler (male) in Willow
mrhikerman: DSC_7645
dwolters2: Winter Morning
bp200mm: Spring Fog
Amy Hudechek Photography: Independence Rock
gamelaner: Winter, Lake Superior
Dennis Westover: Sunrise view from a location between Lipan and Moran points on the south rim of the Grand Canyon, Arizona
bp200mm: Lupine Display Lupine Sunset, New Zealand
bp200mm: Phyllotopsis Mushroom Patterns
Dennis Westover: Methow Valley - Washington State
djsime: Ice Dangles
bp200mm: Baptism River Patterns
dwolters2: Rocks On the Palouse.
mooreskyler242: Mule Deer buck
Nature by Travis Bonovsky: Henslow's Sparrow