Keith Fannon Thanks for + 40 Millions Views: The colours bleed through the skies
Keith Fannon Thanks for + 40 Millions Views: A spread of rubies is covering the horizon
Keith Fannon Thanks for + 40 Millions Views: Making the most of the Indian Summer
Keith Fannon Thanks for + 40 Millions Views: Been a-fishing - Homeward Bound
Keith Fannon Thanks for + 40 Millions Views: The sun pours liquid gold and honey flows across rhe sea
Keith Fannon Thanks for + 40 Millions Views: An evening all aglow with light
△krakamo: stars comming up that hill.
alcides OTA: Silhouette
alcides OTA: Workers
lucborell photophones: TRANSPLANTATION transplantation
Fnikos: A remar temprano se dijo
{heruman}: Mount Fuji from Shonan Village
{heruman}: Great buddha of Kamakura (detail)
Fnikos: Rowing & fishing
jinkoll: [ Grovigli di fine estate - Summer end tangles ] DSC_0904.R2.jinkoll
Mac Canonymous: Was it something I said
Diogo_Marques: Light and shadow
Diogo_Marques: Alone in the dark
Fnikos: Rowing & sailing
V. Maradin: Hunger is a good cook!
anokarina: “And her dumplings were so light they would float in the air and you'd have to catch 'em to eat 'em.” ―Fannie Flagg 🍥
Majorshots: Alcazaba de Almería 1
Pascual Martínez: El Romeral
Fnikos: El Born CCM