Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: the business end of a scary scene..
Earl Reinink: Focused
AchimOWL: Gemeine Seidenbiene (Colletes daviesanus) auf Rainfarn (Tanacetum vulgare) (Explored)
里卡豆: 做人不能太浮誇,但是女神可以。|Olympus 25mm f1.2 PRO Red deer (Cervus elaphus) Short eared owl (Asio flammeus)
pixelmama: Portal Flyby
iwona_podlasinska: the end of the day
Jorge Jensen G: Acrocinus longimanus Linné
maoby: Un selfie tout en musique
marcuspusch: Elvis (Kanadauhu)
Achim Thomae Photography: Paris Cityview - Explored
Wayne Pinkston: Milky Way above Turret Arch
George Probst: Who wants a hug?
Andres Lg: La mirada del tigre
roikarool: Droplet Cricket
HM Wildlife: Mining Bee - Halictus scabiosae
venomenonphotography: Black & yellow
UGraphy: Old Quebec
UGraphy: Manhattan
Slobodan Blagojevic: Dallas Skyline at Moonrise
kasim24: lion
adairfarrar: #163/365 ~ 12/06/2015 ~ Cold cactus
Deborah Freeman: ANOTHER story...went to nest #2 and it was pretty quiet
Eddie The Bugman: Feeding Chrysis