aslinth: pasta
justonlysteven: everything washed in a thin orange haze
mihow: Babby
soulfish: happiness
frank_bunnik: Ode to Japanese landscape photography
n_ea_l: them's the vagaries
ChipX86: Fortran Board Game
The Library of Congress: Worker at carbon black plant, Sunray, Texas (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Display of home-canned food] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Kitchen utensils hanging below a spice rack with mint, caraway, thyme, and sage jars] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Girl inspector confers with a worker as she makes a a careful check of center wings for C-47 transport planes, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif. (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Lunchtime brings a few minutes of rest for these women workers of the assembly line at Douglas Aircraft Company's plant, Long Beach, Calif. Sand bags for protection against air raid form the background. Most important of the many types of aircraft made at
The Library of Congress: Women at work on bomber, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, Calif. (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Woman aircraft worker, Vega Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Calif. Shown checking electrical assemblies (LOC)
morangie72: Oxford Book and Stationery Shop, Darjeeling
Christopher Blizzard: Samantha likes to help me debug Firefox
soulfish: cheering pumpkins
Ross Burton: Door Door Bicycle
soulfish: coool bike
soulfish: rock paper...
neas: Tall bike
revlob: mint tea
revlob: wet rail
Ross Burton: Sliced Tomato
Eslite Reader: Benjamin Mako Hill
Reinhard.Pantke: Entlang der RV17
Pasi 68: Unohdettu